"The most important thing I learned is that soldiers watch what their leaders do. You can give them classes and lecture them forever, but it is your personal example they will follow."


Dave Dyson

Service Officer - Army - Post 1617

Hugh Lee

Judge Advocate - Army - Post 1617

Doug Crooker

House Committee 3 - Marines - Post 1617

Nick King

Trustee 1 - Army - Post 1617

Daniel Stowers

Trustee 2 - Army - Post 1617

Alex Alabachian

House Committee 1 - Marines - Post 1617

Dave Dyson

House Committee 2 - Army - Post 1617

Nathan Amirault

Adjutant - Air Force - Post 1617

Charlie Andriolo

Chaplain - Marines - Post 1617

Jim Ash

Trustee 3 - Marines - Post 1617

dave Dyson

Surgeon - Army - Post 1617

Dale Earl

Sr Vice Commander - Navy - Post 1617

Isaac Miller

Quartermaster - Army - Post 1617

Brian Selling

Commander - Army - Post 1617

Charles Andriolo

Jr. Vice Commander - Marines - Post 1617